myself, and another :)

I'm so in love with my BIG God, I'm so in love with mine :)
I don't know why..
but, I just know one thing, that all I have now is just for accompany me to through this life. and I'm so GLAD because I have BIG God !!

I'm so thankful for you, all!

Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

TIRED . ><

I have got more TIRED .

today is the day , when I have get more TIRED again !
because of my ex-kul , basketball .
and .

the day when I have a lot of PRECIOUS moment with my LOVELY friends .

so , wait for tomorrow , that the day , I MUST get more the happily moments with my friends .
tomorrow , I have a choir , at school , for 25 th anniversary GLORIA .
wew. ><

WISH ME LUCK , guys :)


Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

welcome !

LIFE with a MILLION secret and BILLION things :]
the GIRL who has a great FAMILY , FRIENDSHIP , LOVE :)
the GIRL who has what she want in her LIFE
DREAM , etc .
who school @ GLORIA junior H.S .

WELCOME blog :)

follow please :D

[sekian] thx for follow , and