myself, and another :)

I'm so in love with my BIG God, I'm so in love with mine :)
I don't know why..
but, I just know one thing, that all I have now is just for accompany me to through this life. and I'm so GLAD because I have BIG God !!

I'm so thankful for you, all!

Rabu, 11 November 2009


ahuuiii . ajib soro ciakk nd komputer ikii .
kerja tugas , ngobrol2 , smbil dgr lagu , internetan ! :D
ihiyy . dsuru buat motion . ga pentingg ><
angel sisan . hauhau :(
mao OL fb !
tp ga bolee TT
tp td smpet OL YM se xD
hahahahagz ,
untungnyahh ga ktauan .
woakakkaak !

haduuu . ntik ul ekonomi manee ><
ypo ikii nasib.e TT
huxhuxhux . gmpang ga yaah ?

the enD :)

[posted by : adellatte ~ ]

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